Uriel’s Machine: The Hidden Meanings of its Ancient Myths and Symbols

In “Uriel’s Machine,” Christopher Knight offers a unique perspective on the hidden meanings of ancient myths and symbols, revealing their deeper significance and the connections between them in order to shed light on the universal human experience and the timeless questions that have puzzled us for centuries.

Drawing upon a wide range of sources, Knight explores the deeper significance of various myths and symbols from different cultures and civilizations, from the ancient Egyptians and Greeks to the Celts and Native Americans. Through this examination, Knight uncovers hidden connections and patterns that shed light on the timeless questions of human existence.

The main ideas presented in the book include the idea that ancient myths and symbols contain a wealth of knowledge and wisdom that can help us to better understand ourselves and the world around us. Knight suggests that by studying these myths and symbols, we can gain insight into the universal human experience and the timeless questions that have puzzled us for centuries.

Knight explores the idea that these ancient myths and symbols may be connected in ways that we do not yet fully understand, and that by examining them more closely we can gain a greater understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.

Who is Uriel?

arch angel uriel - uriels machine - the supernatural chronicles

Uriel is a figure in various religions and belief systems, including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

In Jewish tradition, Uriel is one of the archangels, and is often described as the angel of divine presence, the angel of repentance, and the guardian of the gates of Eden. He is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible in the Book of Ezra as one of the chief priests who assisted in the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem.

In the apocryphal text “The Book of Enoch,” Uriel is described as one of the seven archangels who stand before the throne of God. In this text, Uriel is also depicted as the angel who led Abraham out of the fire and protected him from the angel of the Lord.

In later Christian tradition, Uriel was often depicted as an angel of wisdom and enlightenment, and was sometimes associated with the element of fire. He is mentioned in the “Book of Revelation” as one of the seven angels who stand before God, and is also mentioned in various other apocryphal texts.

In Islamic tradition, Uriel is also mentioned as one of the four primary angels, along with Gabriel, Michael, and Azrael. He is described as an angel of knowledge and understanding, and is said to be responsible for revealing the will of God to human prophets.

The History And Purpose Of Ancient Stone Circles In Britain

Ancient stone circles are a type of monument found throughout Britain and other parts of Europe. These circles, which are typically composed of standing stones, have been a source of fascination for centuries, and have been the subject of much research and speculation.

stonehenge - uriel's machine - stone circles - the supernatural chronicles

The history of stone circles in Britain dates back thousands of years. The oldest known stone circle in Britain is the Ring of Brodgar, located on the Orkney Islands in Scotland. This circle, which consists of around 60 standing stones, is thought to have been constructed around 2500 BC. Other notable stone circles in Britain include the circle at Avebury and the Rollright Stones in Oxfordshire.

The purpose of these ancient stone circles is a matter of debate among archaeologists and historians. Some believe that these circles were used for religious or spiritual rituals, while others argue that they served as astronomical observatories or as markers for important events or landmarks.

One theory is that stone circles were used as places of burial, as some circles have been found to contain human remains. Another theory is that they were used for ceremonial or ritual purposes, perhaps as a way for ancient peoples to connect with the natural world or to honor their gods and ancestors.

Despite centuries of study, the true purpose of these ancient stone circles remains a mystery. However, their enduring presence serves as a testament to the ingenuity and spiritual beliefs of the people who constructed them.

Today, many of these ancient stone circles are protected as historical landmarks and are open to the public for viewing. They continue to draw visitors from all over the world, who are drawn by the sense of mystery and wonder that surrounds these ancient structures.

Description Of Stonehenge, The Pyramids, And The Antikythera Mechanism In The Book

The Pyramids

The Pyramids are a series of ancient tombs in Giza, Egypt. The most famous of these is the Great Pyramid of Giza, which is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids. It is believed to have been built around 2560 BCE as a burial tomb for the Pharaoh Khufu. The Great Pyramid is thought to be the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and the only one still standing today.


Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument located in Wiltshire, England. It is composed of a ring of standing stones, each around 13 feet (4 meters) high, seven feet (2 meters) wide, and weighing around 25 tons. Stonehenge was built sometime between 3000 and 2000 BCE and is believed to have been used for religious or spiritual purposes. The site has been associated with the druids, a group of ancient Celtic priests, and it has been speculated that it was used for astronomical observations.

The Antikythera Mechanism

Antikythera Mechanism - pyramids - stonehenge - supernatural chronicles

The Antikythera Mechanism is an ancient Greek mechanical device that was discovered in the early 20th century in a shipwreck off the island of Antikythera. It is believed to have been created around the 2nd century BCE. The device is made up of a complex system of gears and wheels and is thought to have been used to predict astronomical events, such as eclipses and the movements of the sun, moon, and planets.

It is considered to be one of the oldest known examples of a mechanical computer, and is considered a significant technological and scientific artifact. The mechanism is housed in the National Archaeological Museum of Athens, where it can be viewed by the public.

The Theories That Have Been Proposed To Explain The Purpose And Meaning Of Stonehenge, The Pyramids, And The Antikythere Mechanism

For centuries, people have been captivated by the mysterious monuments that remain today, such as Stonehenge, the Pyramids, and the Antikythera Mechanism. While each of these mysterious structures has a unique history, the purpose and meaning behind them has been the topic of much discussion and debate. From spiritual explanations to practical explanations, there are a variety of theories that have been proposed to explain the purpose and meaning of these monuments.

The most popular theory for Stonehenge is that it was a spiritual place used for rituals and ceremonies. This theory suggests that it was a place to celebrate the solstices and equinoxes, as well as to mark the passing of the year. It is believed that the stones were arranged in certain patterns to mark the movements of the sun and moon and to honor the gods. This theory is supported by the fact that Stonehenge is aligned with the midwinter sunset and the summer solstice sunrise.

nefartir temple egypt - stonehenge - ancient greece - Antikythera Mechanism

The most popular theory for the Pyramids is that they were built as tombs for the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. This is supported by the fact that the Great Pyramid of Giza is the tomb of Pharaoh Khufu, and the other pyramids in the area were built for other Pharaohs. It is believed that the Pyramids were built to honor the Pharaohs and to provide them with an eternal resting place.

The most popular theory for the Antikythera Mechanism is that it was an ancient astronomical calculator. This theory is supported by the fact that the mechanism was able to calculate the movements of the planets and stars. This suggests that it was used to help predict astronomical events, such as eclipses and solstices.

Each of these theories offers an explanation for the purpose and meaning of Stonehenge, the Pyramids, and the Antikythera Mechanism. While more research is needed to definitively answer the mystery of these mysterious monuments, the theories above offer some insight into the purpose and meaning behind them.

The Importance of Stonehenge in Uriel’s Machine

Uriel’s Machine explores the fascinating history and mystery of Stonehenge, and other ancient stone circles and the possible origins of our current calendar system.

Stonehenge is one of the most iconic and mysterious structures in the world, and its true purpose is still a mystery to us today. What we do know is that Stonehenge was built over 4000 years ago, and is made up of large stones arranged in a circle, as well as smaller stone structures inside the circle. Stonehenge is believed to have been used for religious and spiritual ceremonies, as well as a ceremonial burial ground. In Uriel’s Machine, the authors explore the idea that Stonehenge and other stone circles were not only used for religious ceremonies, but also for tracking the movements of the stars and planets, and for marking the passing of important astronomical events.

The importance of Stonehenge and other stone circles goes beyond their role as astronomical markers. Stonehenge and other stone circles are examples of ancient megalithic architecture, and they show us that ancient civilizations had a higher level of understanding of mathematics and astronomy than was previously thought. Stonehenge and other stone circles demonstrate that ancient civilizations had a complex understanding of the movements of the celestial bodies, and could accurately track and predict astronomical events.

The Theory Presented In Uriel's Machine

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Knight suggests Uriel’s Machine is somewhat similar to a super-computer containing all the knowlege of the universe.

In the book, Knight discusses his theory that there is evidence of a global civilization before the rise of the ancient Egyptians and Sumerians, one that was based around a shared belief in divine knowledge. Knight believes that this civilization was based around a machine, called the Uriel Machine, which was used to access and store knowledge from the stars and other divine sources.

Knight posits that this ancient civilization was symbolically represented in various ancient cultures, from Egyptian hieroglyphs to the Mayan calendar. He believes that this civilization was destroyed in an apocalyptic event, and that the machine was either destroyed or hidden. Knight further argues that the knowledge of this civilization was kept alive through a secret society, which is responsible for the development of the world’s major religions, philosophies, and sciences.

Knight’s theory is an intriguing one, and his research is extensive and well-documented. 

He argues that the evidence of this ancient civilization is found in many of the world’s oldest cultures, and that the knowledge of the divine machine was kept alive through a secret society. He also suggests that the machine may still exist, and that it holds the key to unlocking the secrets of the ancient past.

Knight’s theory is a fascinating one, and it provides an interesting perspective on the development of ancient civilizations and the knowledge that was held by them. While the evidence for his theory is circumstantial and speculative, it does provide an intriguing glimpse into the past and adds a new layer of mystery to the study of ancient cultures. His theory may be controversial, but it is an interesting and thought-provoking one that is worthy of further exploration.

The Children Of Uriel And Their Role In Building The Stone Circles

Knight posits that the circles were constructed by a group of mysterious people known as the Children of Uriel, who were said to have been guided by a divine force.

The Children of Uriel were said to have descended from a mystical figure known as Uriel, who was believed to be an angel from the heavens. According to legend, Uriel was given a divine mission by God to create a series of stone circles across Britain. He was said to have chosen a group of people to help him in this task and these people became known as the Children of Uriel.

The Children of Uriel were said to have been a group of highly skilled architects, engineers and artisans. They were tasked with creating the stone circles, which would be used to mark the passage of time and the seasons, as well as being used as monuments to the gods. Knight further believes that the stones were a part of a machine that gave ancient people control over space and time. The Children of Uriel were also believed to have used a variety of tools, including masonry hammers, chisels and saws, to construct the stone circles.

The work of the Children of Uriel was said to have been so precise that it has been described as a feat of engineering that has stood the test of time. The circles are still standing today and are considered to be some of Britain’s most impressive ancient monuments.

The exact identity of the Children of Uriel remains a mystery, but their contribution to the construction of the stone circles is undeniable. Their skill and vision has been credited with creating some of the most impressive monuments of prehistory, and their legacy lives on in the circles that still stand today.

Freemasons And Their Connection To The Children Of Uriel And Uriel’s Machine

The book explains that Uriel’s Machine was given to the Freemasons as a way to protect mankind from the evil forces of the world. The Freemasons, along with the mysterious Children of Uriel, have been protecting the machine for centuries, keeping it hidden away from the public and only allowing a select few to access its secrets.

The Children of Uriel are a secret society within the Freemasons, and are said to be the descendants of Uriel himself. They are tasked with guarding the machine and protecting its secrets from those who would misuse it. They are highly secretive and very few know of their existence, let alone the power of the machine they guard.

The story follows the journey of two young men, John and Robert, as they uncover the secrets of the machine and try to protect it from those who would use it for evil. Along the way, they enlist the help of the Freemasons and the Children of Uriel, and soon discover that this secret society is much more powerful and influential than they ever imagined.

freemasons - the supernatural chronicles

The book provides an interesting and detailed look at the history and inner workings of the Freemasons and their connection to the Children of Uriel. It also sheds light on the power of the machine and its potential for both good and evil.

The Possible Spiritual Or Symbolic Significance Of The Stone Circles

The mysterious stone circles found around the world have been the source of much fascination for centuries. The purpose and meaning of these mysterious megalithic monuments has been the subject of much debate and speculation. Yet, despite all the theories, the true purpose and spiritual significance of these monuments remain a mystery.

Stone circles can be found in various places around the world, but the most famous and well-known examples are those found in Great Britain. The most famous of these is Stonehenge, located in Wiltshire, England. The formation of Stonehenge is believed to have been constructed between 3000 and 2000 BC, making it one of the oldest megalithic monuments in the world. The exact purpose of Stonehenge remains unknown, but it is believed to have been used for ceremonial and religious rituals.

The spiritual and symbolic significance of these ancient stone circles has been the subject of much debate. Some believe that the circles were used as a symbol of unity, while others believe they were used as a form of worship and connected to spiritual beliefs. In addition, it is believed that the stones were used as a calendar, with the stones aligning with certain celestial events such as the solstice and equinox.

It is also believed that the stone circles served as a reminder of death and the afterlife. In some cases, the stones are believed to have been used as burial sites, with the circles serving as a reminder of the continuous cycle of life and death. In addition, the stones may have been used to honor and commemorate important figures and events.

The exact spiritual and symbolic significance of these mysterious stone circles remains a mystery. Despite all the theories and speculation, the true purpose and spiritual significance of these monuments remain unknown. However, their existence serves as a reminder of the power and mystery of the ancient world.

Alternative Theories About The Significance Of Stone Circles

Stone circles are an enigmatic presence in many parts of the world, including Great Britain. Often standing in remote locations, these impressive megalithic monuments are shrouded in mystery and speculation. One popular theory is that they were used as portals to travel through time and space.

The first theory of time-travel is the idea that stone circles were used as gateways or portals to access other dimensions. This theory is based on the fact that many stone circles have been found scattered in areas with supernatural energy fields. It’s believed that by entering these stone circles, ancient people were able to access special realms of higher consciousness and explore different realms of time and space.

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Another theory is that the stone circles served as a type of time machine. This theory suggests that the ancient people used the stone circles as a way to travel through time, so they could explore the past and the future. This theory is based on the fact that many of the stone circles have been found to contain strange markings, believed to be related to astrological events.

Finally, some researchers believe that the stone circles were used as a type of teleportation device.

This theory suggests that ancient people used the stone circles to travel instantly to different places and times. This theory is based on the presence of mysterious symbols found in many stone circles, which are believed to be related to teleportation.

No matter what the purpose of the stone circles may have been, they remain a source of fascination and speculation. While we may never know exactly what they were used for, it is undeniable that they were an important part of the ancient culture and are still relevant today.

The Manipulation of Space and Time

The book follows the story of Uriel, as he discovers a machine that is able to manipulate time and space. Through this machine, Uriel is able to travel back in time and explore history in a way that was never before thought possible.

The machine, known as the Uriel Machine, is a complex device that utilizes a combination of energies to manipulate the space-time continuum. The energy that is used consists of a combination of electrical and magnetic forces which are amplified by crystals. The device is then able to create a field of energy that can be used to alter the speed of time or the direction of space.

uriels machine - crystal energy - time and space - supernatural chronicles

The device has the potential to be used to great advantage. For example, it can be used to travel back in time and explore history in ways never thought possible. It can also be used to create a “time bubble” in which events can be frozen in time and explored without the interference of the outside world. On a more practical level, the device can be used to generate energy, allowing for the harnessing of power that can be used to create new technologies and inventions.

The manipulation of space and time is an incredibly powerful force, and the Uriel Machine is a testament to the possibilities that exist with this technology. Through this device, the past, present, and future have been opened up to exploration and understanding in a way that was never before thought possible.

Knight, C. and Lomas, R. (1999). Uriel’s Machine: The Ancient Origins of Science and the Search for Lost Knowledge. London: Headline Book Publishing, pp. 13-17.

Criticisms Of The Theory Presented In Uriel's Machine

One of the main criticisms of the theory is that it is based on speculation. Knight argues that the universe was created by a divine architect, referred to as Uriel, using advanced technology such as a quantum computer. Knight’s theory is largely based on the concept of a quantum computer, which is still in its early stages of development and is far from being proven. Furthermore, the book does not provide much evidence to support the claim that the universe was created by a divine architect. Critics argue that the lack of scientific data makes the theory impossible to verify and is therefore unreliable.

Another criticism of the theory is that it is too far-fetched. Critics argue that the idea of an advanced computer being used to create the universe is difficult to accept. They point out that if such a computer did exist, it would have to be incredibly complex and advanced, and would likely require an infinite amount of energy to operate. This level of complexity and energy requirement is not plausible, and critics argue that it renders the theory impossible to accept.

Finally, critics argue that the theory presented in Uriel’s Machine does not provide a satisfactory explanation for the origin of the universe. They point out that the book does not provide any explanation as to why a divine architect would be responsible for the creation of the universe. Furthermore, they argue that the book does not address the issue of why the universe is so complex and why it is structured in the way that it is.

The Strengths And Weaknesses Of The Criticisms Of The Theory Of Uriel’s Machine

The criticisms of Uriel’s Machine bring up a number of valid points that must be considered when evaluating the theory presented in the book.

One of the main strengths of the criticisms is that they point out the speculative nature of the theory. Knight’s theory is based on the concept of a quantum computer, which is still in its early stages of development and is far from being proven. Furthermore, the book does not provide much evidence to support the claim that the universe was created by a divine architect. This lack of scientific data makes the theory impossible to verify and is therefore unreliable.

Another strength of the criticisms is that they point out the far-fetched nature of the theory.

criticism of uriel's machine - circuit board - super computer - quantum computing

Critics argue that the idea of an advanced computer being used to create the universe is difficult to accept. They point out that if such a computer did exist, it would have to be incredibly complex and advanced, and would likely require an infinite amount of energy to operate. This level of complexity and energy requirement is not plausible, and critics argue that it renders the theory impossible to accept.

The main weakness of the criticisms is that they do not provide an alternative explanation for the origin of the universe. While the criticisms point out the flaws in Knight’s theory, they do not provide any viable alternative. This leaves the reader without any other way of understanding the origin of the universe.


Uriel’s Machine provides a unique perspective into the hidden meanings of ancient myths and symbols. Through its analysis of the religious and cultural symbolism contained in the stories of antiquity, it offers a fascinating insight into the beliefs and worldviews of ancient civilizations. By delving into the fascinating stories of the past and discovering the meanings behind them, Uriel’s Machine provides readers with a deeper understanding of the human experience and its connection to the divine. Ultimately, it reveals the universal truths of humanity, which remain relevant and applicable today.

Evaluation Of The Evidence For And Against The Theory Presented In Uriel's Machine

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Uriel’s Machine is a book written by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas that claims to have discovered evidence of an ancient machine that was built by the biblical prophet Uriel. The book claims that this machine was used to measure the Earth and map out the stars. It also claims that the machine was used to calculate the date of the Jewish feast of Tabernacles.

On the other hand, there is also evidence against the theories presented in the book. Scholars have argued that the ancient texts and archaeological findings that were used to support the existence of the machine are unreliable and are open to interpretation. It has been argued that the machine would have been too complex to build by ancient peoples and that the astronomical observations used to support its existence are not reliable.

Final Thoughts On The Significance And Implications Of The Book

Uriel’s Machine is a remarkable book that examines the scientific and spiritual implications of ancient knowledge. The book focuses on a mysterious device from the Middle Ages known as the “Uriel’s Machine”. This device was allegedly created by an angel named Uriel, and is believed to be the source of all knowledge. Knight explores the history and implications of this mysterious device, and the implications it has for modern and future societies.

Uriel’s Machine is an important book as it explores the spiritual and scientific implications of ancient knowledge. Knight argues that the machine is a source of knowledge that can be used to understand the mysteries of the universe. He believes that modern science and technology are only partially able to explain the complexities of the universe, and that the knowledge contained in the machine can provide a fuller understanding. By understanding the knowledge contained in the machine, Knight believes that it can provide insight into the hidden workings of the universe.

The implications of Uriel’s Machine for modern and future societies are immense. Knight argues that by understanding the knowledge contained in the machine, we can use it to create a more harmonious and sustainable society. He believes that by using the knowledge contained in the machine, we can create technologies and systems that will be beneficial for humanity as a whole.

If it’s real, the knowledge contained in the machine can be used to better understand the spiritual aspects of our existence, and to create a better understanding of our place in the universe.

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