Ancient Mysteries

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The Controversial Ideas of ‘Uriel’s Machine’: A Critical Review

March 24, 2024

“Uriel’s Machine” is a book written by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas....

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ancient alien theory - ancient alien secrets - anunnaki sun disc over stars - supernatural chronicles

Ancient Alien Theory: Ancient Alien Secrets

February 26, 2024

Ancient Alien Theory, a captivating and controversial concept, introduces the possibility that...

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artistic painting of ezekiel's wheel - book of ezekiel - supernatural chronicles

Uncovering the Mystery and Meaning of Ezekiel’s Wheel, the Book of Ezekiel In the Bible and Biblical References

July 31, 2023

Uncover the mysterious history and meaning of Ezekiel's Wheel! Learn about its...

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Atlantic spotted dolphin (Stenella frontalis), swimming underwater, close-up, Bahamas

The Lost City of Atlantis: Revealing the Mystery

July 10, 2023

Uncover the mystery of Atlantis! Learn about its history and possible locations,...

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uriels machine hidden ancient secrets and mysteries

Uriel’s Machine: The Hidden Meanings of its Ancient Myths and Symbols

February 27, 2023

In “Uriel’s Machine,” Christopher Knight offers a unique perspective on the hidden...

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Ancient Mysteries are various phenomena or events from ancient times that are not fully understood or explained by modern science. These mysteries include topics such as the building of ancient monuments like Stonehenge and the Great Pyramids, the disappearance of ancient civilizations like the Mayans and the Aztecs, and the existence of lost cities such as Atlantis.

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