Unlocking the Mystery: What is Consciousness and How Does Our Brain Create It?

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What is consciousness is defined as “the awareness of one’s own existence, sensations, thoughts, surroundings and environment”. It has been studied by scientists and philosophers alike since ancient times but remains largely unexplained today. Scientists have identified several neural networks involved in the creation of consciousness including those responsible for sensory perception, cognition and emotion […]

The Controversial Ideas of ‘Uriel’s Machine’: A Critical Review

uriel's machine - ancient societies - space ships building the pyramids - supernatural chronicles

“Uriel’s Machine” is a book written by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas. Knight is a British author and researcher who has written extensively about ancient societies and the origins of the universe. Lomas is a physicist, researcher, and writer who writes about ancient theories, freemasonry, and archeoastronomy. In “Uriel’s Machine,” Knight and Lomas present their […]

Free Will: Do We Control Our Lives or Just Go With the Flow?

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The question of who holds the strings in our lives is both innate and pervasive, etching a centuries-old debate deep into the crevices of philosophy. The concept we’ve come to know as “free will” and “determinism” is at the heart of this debate.  It asks the essential question: Are the choices we make genuinely ours, […]

Ghost Hunting Goes Viral – Paranormal Activity Caught on Camera and Ghost Hunting on TikTok

ghost hunting on tiktok - paranormal activity caugh on camera - hero image ghost haunting an abandoned room - supernatural chronicles

Throughout history, the allure of the unknown and the whispers of the supernatural have captivated human imagination in addition to paranormal activity caught on camera. The concept of hauntings, of residual energies clinging to the physical world, has inspired countless stories, investigations, and even a dedicated subculture: ghost hunting on tiktok. In recent years, ghost […]

Ancient Alien Theory: Ancient Alien Secrets

ancient alien theory - ancient alien secrets - anunnaki sun disc over stars - supernatural chronicles

Ancient Alien Theory, a captivating and controversial concept, introduces the possibility that extraterrestrial beings played a role in shaping the course of human history. This intriguing theory of ancient alien secrets traces its roots back to the mid-20th century when Swiss author Erich von Däniken popularized the idea through his groundbreaking book, “Chariots of the […]

The Secret of What Vampires Fear Most

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Explore the fears of vampires in popular culture and how they are used to explore themes. From literature, film, television, and video games, learn about what vampires fear such as sunlight and fire, garlic, holy symbols and running water. Also discover other creatures that can threaten them such as werewolves or witches plus their ultimate fear – death or destruction of their own kind.

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